Pastor’s Testimony

I grew up in a Christian home in Rockdale, Texas. When I was young I walked the aisle and was baptized, but I was not truly saved.  I only did it because I was strongly urged to by the pastor.  As I grew older I realized something was missing in my life.  There was an emptiness in my life even though I was active in church as a child and youth.  In January of 1972 I truly accepted Christ as my Savior and the hole in my heart was filled by the Lord Jesus Christ.  At that time He became my Lord and Savior and I committed my life to Him.  I was baptized at Mt. Zion Baptist Church near Rockdale, Texas.

As a pastor I believe in the inspired, infallible and inerrant Word of God.  I believe it is vitally important that I study God’s Word for my personal growth and preach and teach the Word of God for the growth of His church.

I want to be a part of a church that knows and loves the Lord and has a desire and a commitment to see God’s church grow both spiritually and numerically.  I believe the church should reach out to all people and strive to minister to all age groups and all of God’s people work together to worship, honor, and glorify God.

I believe in the Great Commission.  I believe every church should be a Great Commission church and every church member a Great Commission Christian. Therefore, I believe in evangelism because Jesus came to seek and to save those who were lost.  I am a strong supporter of Sunday School.  I believe worship is vitally important in the life of the church, but I believe a church is built on a strong Sunday School.  I believe in tithing  and that it should be the sole support of the ongoing work of the church.  I believe a pastor should be a pastor to his people and preacher of the Word of God.  I pray that the church I pastor will be a place where all people can come and find Jesus.

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